What would an art course be with out some portraiture? Not a very thorough one, but that's besides the point.
But the primary purpose of this assignment was to work some more with digital manipulation. The second part of the assignment was to both age and beautify out own portrait.
But the primary purpose of this assignment was to work some more with digital manipulation. The second part of the assignment was to both age and beautify out own portrait.
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[ RPI ARTS-1020 ]
[ Photography ]
[ posted 04/30/09 @ 1511 -5 GMT ] by Sparky
[ edited 12/10/09 @ 1504 -5 GMT ] 1 in total
[ Views( 30041 ) ] - [ Coments( 0 ) ]
[ posted 04/30/09 @ 1511 -5 GMT ] by Sparky
[ edited 12/10/09 @ 1504 -5 GMT ] 1 in total
[ Views( 30041 ) ] - [ Coments( 0 ) ]